Category ADHD
There are numerous studies linking metacognition (cognitive abilities) to the importance of sustained physical exercise in critical stages of neurodevelopment, such as childhood and adolescence. In addition to promoting physical and motor growth, physical exercise also significantly interacts with cognitive and learning abilities. This occurs through various physiological and metabolic mechanisms: 1. Angiogenesis (formation of
ADHD, children insomnia and melatonin Daytime attention problems might be related to sleep disorders. Due to those deficits, the child may be more irritable and sleepy. Besides, a maintained lack of sleep could cause attentional deficits. Sleep disorders are common during childhood, and you could find them amongst infants, children and adolescents. There are different

Reading Comprehension and ADHD: is there a problem in processing speed or low working memory?
Reading Comprehension and ADHD Low processing speed or low working memory? Low reading comprehension and ADHD are two of the main causes of scholar failure. Although low reading comprehension is frequent among students, it is a strong problem especially when it is associated with ADHD. Children with ADHD tend to have deficits in processing speed

Reading comprehension in adolescents with ADHD: What factors mediate between ADHD and low reading comprehension?
Reading comprehension in adolescents with ADHD: What factors mediate between ADHD and low reading comprehension? In the study of Martinussen & Mackenzie (2015), they tried to demonstrate that adolescents with ADHD are likely to score lower than their peers on standardised tests of reading comprehension. Furthermore, comparing ADHD children high and low reading comprehension; they found out that these last

Reading Comprehension and ADHD: the role of reading words and the working memory
Reading comprehension and ADHD Do children with ADHD have specific reading comprehension’s problems? In the study of Cain.K & Bignell.S (2014), the authors tried to find out which is the relation between inattention and hyperactivity symptoms and the level on reading comprehension. They demonstrated that attentional deficits are related to a low reading comprehension skill.