Method to improve reading comprehension

Evotextos to improve reading comprehension

 Evotextos’ method to improve reading comprehension Method presentation Welcome to the world of “evotextos” or “evolutive texts”. Is an original method to improve reading comprehension, created by Dr.J.Guilera. This method is subjected to the author’s rights and recognized by “Generalitat de Catalunya” as a scientific work. In that method we have tried to create four

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Indicadores de dislexia durante la Educación Infantil

Mathematics, Reading comprehension and Word decoding

Mathematics, Reading comprehension and Word decoding Mathematical skills and Reading skills: How are they related? Mathematics is related to different kind of reading skills like decodification of words and reading comprehension. In the study of Harlaar, Kovas, Dale, Petrill & Plomin, (2012), the authors stated that decoding skills (word recognition) are distinct from reading comprehension,

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Teoría de la mente: qué es, como funciona con autistas y principales consecuencias

Surface dyslexia or developmental dyslexia

Surface dyslexia Surface dyslexia or developmental dyslexia is a dyslexia subtype related to a bad visual, lexical or direct functioning (Boder, 1973). To compensate those visual deficits, these children tend to read using the phonological via. This via allows them to read words from their smallest pieces, syllables, that means they are unable to read

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Reading strategies, keywords and metacomprehension

Reading strategies, keywords and metacomprehension

Reading strategies, keywords and metacomprehension Metacomprehension is the ability to monitor understanding of texts. Working on this ability might be a good technique to improve reading comprehension. In the study of de Bruin et al. (2011), they demonstrated that select keyword after a first reading is a good strategy to improve metacomprehension. These improvements were greater

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ADHD, insomnia and melatonin

ADHD, children insomnia and melatonin Daytime attention problems might be related to sleep disorders. Due to those deficits, the child may be more irritable and sleepy. Besides, a maintained lack of sleep could cause attentional deficits. Sleep disorders are common during childhood, and you could find them amongst infants, children and adolescents. There are different

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